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Let’s Rebuild St. Andrew’s. We Can Start with the Library.

I am posting the comments of “through another lens” because, frankly, they stunned me:

“Paul, I do not believe the 4 staff members who were fired without cause or notice (all on the same day) or the 2 additional staff members who resigned would share in the view that Fr. Long “… acted in ways closer to …(how)…Jesus would have than any other priest…” Fr. Long did not want to give these staff members severance, but the Diocese insisted on severance to avoid litigation.

Fr. Long also did not want to take up second collections for the poor. Again, the Diocese insisted.

Fr. Long admonished and berated parishioners, especially at daily Mass, who were attempting to practice their faith according to the principles they had been taught since childhood. He told us watching EWTN and reading Scott Hahn was a waste of time and instead recommended Matthew Fox, the originator of Creation Spirituality – a “religion” devoid of Christ. He regularly made fun of the people he labeled as the “church police” and “rule followers”.

Fr. Long threw away many books from our church library that were not in line with his thinking. He cautioned staff who were aware of this not to report the trashing of

Apologetics section seems to be missing a few items.

these books in the annual audit of the library’s resources. Our volunteer church librarian was operating under the assumption that someone had taken/stolen the books without using the honor checkout system until the truth came to light.

The alarm and concern that arose from our parish was not about the good and positive messages Fr. Long proclaimed. It was not about his charming and effusive congeniality. It was about his seeding his homilies and Daily Reflections with his extreme beliefs v.s. the basic principles of our Catholic faith found in the Creed. It was about his extreme micromanaging of previously well-functioning staff and ministries to the point of uncertainty, anxiety and fear.

St. Andrew has had many dedicated priests who have shepherded the parish for the past 35 years. They all, including Fr. Long, had their strengths and weaknesses. I had a positive relationship with each of these men, including Fr. Long. I truly wanted him to succeed but knew that Fr. Long’s unchecked words and actions would eventually be his downfall.”

If you have some books to donate to the parish library, you would be filling a huge need. JG

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